简介:Old and young go head to head in the new series of TV's survival epic. Which generation copes best with being marooned in the Pacific and pushed to the limits of human endurance?
简介:NBC宣布预订生存专家Bear Grylls开发的另一部野外求生竞技真人秀(6集)——去年NBC曾播出Bear Grylls开发的《Get Out Alive》,同样为野外求生节目。新节目命名为《Running Wild With Bear Grylls》,Bear G rylls将带领一群名人到偏僻的地方完成为期48小时的探险任务。名人们将在卡茨基尔山进行空中杂技跳伞,在犹他州用吊绳垂降悬崖,并且在苏格兰高地对抗狂风和暴雨。该节目在7月28日播出,确定参与的名人包括演员Zac Efron、Ben Stiller、Channing Tatum、Tom Arnold以及一名橄榄球运动员和一名新闻节目主持人。
简介:1 "South Island" July 18, 2011
Bear Grylls must fling himself out of a plane and parachute to safety to reach this remote area. Crossing the country's highest mountain range and starting a fire in a waterlogged forest are just some of the unpredictable things he faces in this terrain.
2 "Fire And Ice" July 25, 2011
Bear Grylls is dropped on an ice cap covering an active volcano...
简介:In this brand-new three-part series for ITV, adventurer Bear Grylls heads out on an epic journey of discovery across England, Scotland and Wales to experience the British Isles at their most spectacular.
简介:时隔七年,贝爷再次出道,全新《Man vs Wild》特别篇上线!在《荒野求生》系列节目中,野外探险专家贝尔置身于极为恶劣的自然环境,展现了非凡的求生技巧。在印度特辑中,贝爷首次登陆印度开启冒险之旅,搭档印度总理莫迪,来到了印度科比特国家公园,在湿冷的喜马拉雅山脚下,一起深入险境,探索孟加拉虎栖息地,穿越冰冷湍急的河流,探讨人与自然的共处之道。在此之前,莫迪荣获了联合国地球卫士奖,节目中也看到莫迪对于自然的敬畏与保护。